2018-2019 Operations and Maintenance Budget
Here are the questions I asked of Ministers on the contents of their departmental budgets:
Education, Culture and Employment: February 20, 21
- Arts Funding
- Inclusive Schooling
- Budgeted Positions
- Apprenticeship Contract Requirements
- Contract Amounts Teacher Training DEA-Board Funding and Shared Services
- Income Assistance Changes
Executive and Indigenous Affairs: February 22
Lands: February 22
- Abandonment and Remediation Securities
- Geomatics Office
- MacTung and Prairie Creek Mines Issues
- Prairie Creek Mine
Municipal and Community, February 22
Finance, February 23
- Heritage Fund
- Northern Residents Tax Deduction
- Infrastructure Projects and Borrowing Limit
- Personal Income Tax
- Fibre Optic Line
Industry, Tourism and Investment, February 26
- Yellowknife Tourism Support
- Support for the Arts
- Support for North Slave Fisheries
- MacTung Marketing Plan
- Royalty Regimes Review
- Territorial Parks Season Extension
- Environmental Studies Research Fund
- Mining and Oil and Gas Royalties
- Organizational Support Funding
- Socio-Economic Agreements
Environment and Natural Resources, February 27
- Inadequate Departmental Resources
- Contaminated Sites Remediation
- Climate Change Framework
- Fire Suppression Budgets
- Inspection Resources and Capabilities
- Boreal Caribou Management Plan
- Bathurst Caribou Recovery
- Water Use Fees
- Inuvialuit Water Board
- Thaidene Nene
Health and Social Services, February 28, March 1
- Need for Accurate Budget Documents
- Agriculture Strategy Support
- Reducing Use of LOCUMS
- Tobacco Use Cessation Programs
- Nursing Services
- Health Benefits Programs
- Transition to New Stanton
Justice, March 6
- Access to Court Transcripts
- Office of the Regulator of Oil and Gas Operations
- Status of Law Resource Centre