Reply to the Budget Address: My reply to the 2019-2020 budget bill introduced by the government
Finance department budget documents:
Justice, February 20, 21
Infrastructure, February 22, 25
- Frank Channel Bridge vs Slave Geological Province Road
- Capital Budget Carryovers
- Revolving Funds
- Yellowknife Airport Revolving Fund
Industry, Tourism and Investment, February 25
- Yellowknife Tourism Support
- Additional Deputy Mining Recorder
- Contributions to NWT Chamber of Mines
- Mining Incentive Program
- Slave Geological Province Road (March 13)
Health and Social Services, February 26
- Diagnostic Services Wait Times Reporting
- Midwifery Services Increases
- Supplementary Estimates, New Stanton Hospital (March 13)
Municipal and Community Affairs, February 27
Executive and Indigenous Affairs, February 28
- Executive Council Travel Budget
- Review of the NWT Status of Womens’ Council Act
- Lands, Resources and Self-Government Agreements Negotiations Budgets
- Single Window Service Centres
Education, Culture and Employment
Environment and Natural Resources, March 6
- Bathurst Caribou Herd
- Climate Change Strategic Framework and Action Plan
- Communications on Resource Management Bills
- Transboundary Water Agreements
Finance, March 6
NWT Housing Corporation, March 7
Lands, March 7
Legislative Assembly, March 8