2016-2017 Operating Budget Review

In June 2016, the Legislative Assembly reviewed and approved the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) budget for the three fiscal quarters July 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017.  Owing to the late election, the budget for the first quarter of the 2016-2017 fiscal year was approved as a supplementary appropriation in February 2016.

The June O&M budget review was the first opportunity for Members of the Legislative Assembly to publicly review the full operating budget in detail.  Review by Members in Committee of the Whole allows for detailed discussion on policy and budgetary matters, with the opportunity to question Ministers and their departmental staff on budget contents.

The budget for the three fiscal quarters ending March 31, 2017 implements the austerity measures and staff cuts outlined in the Impacts of GNWT Job Losses letter provided to Members.

See the pdf of my Budget Review Constituency Newsletter, providing links to all the questions I posed during the budget review.

Education, Culture and Employment: June 6-7

Environment and Natural Resources:  June 6, 8, 9

Executive:  June 2

Finance:  June 24

Health and Social Services:  June 14

Human Resources: June 3

Industry, Tourism and Investment:   June 14, 16

Justice:  June 23

Lands:  June 23

Legislative Assembly:  June 24

Municipal and Community Affairs:  June 24

NWT Housing Corporation:  June 16

Public Works and Services:  June 23

Transportation:  June 23